Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Welcome to Our Blog

Hi. Welcome to our blog. We intend this to be a place where conversations can go on. Of course, all kinds of conversations are already going on at St. Paul’s. We have worship, meetings, classes, parties, meals, and many circumstances where we learn about and from each other. We also send and receive lots of e-mails and get lots of phone calls. And sometimes people come by just to talk and hang out. That’s all wonderful, and we wouldn’t want to change any of it.

This blog lets us have some of our conversations in a more public way and in a way that invites more people to participate. It lets people participate who might find it inconvenient or even impossible to come over to St. Paul’s and join in. So come on in. You’re welcome. Let’s talk about what’s important, what’s interesting, what’s fun.

Joe and Chuck

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