Friday, October 10, 2008

We answer questions!

Hey everybody, I just wanted to tell you that we definitely answer questions around here. That wonderful little box we used at our recent Fall 2008 retreat is still available for questions! It is brown and small if you missed it at the retreat. If you are around St. Paul's, or in the SUB on Mondays, feel free to drop in a question and check back here for the answer.

EDIT: You now have the ability to send questions to us anonymously. Check it out:

To the end of answering questions, a couple people noted on their evaluations that they wanted to know more about NFP (Natural Family Planning). A great place to check out is the Couple to Couple League's website. They "manage" the NFP training groups across the country and have a ton of resources on their website, including links to pro-life doctors who are open to discussing the Sympto-Thermal Method scientifically instead of politically. Studies have shown that couples practicing NFP, "have a dramatically low (0.2%) divorce rate", so it is definitely something worth checking out.

Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

CCL is a great place if you want to buy the book or find instructors for NFP. But the site itself is not incredibly informative.

For people who are just curious about NFP and want to know more how it works, is a great place to start.

Also, there is a pretty good facebook group on the issue,

Sheila Kippley said...

The one go-to site for NFP is at There one will find a free online "how-to" NFP manual, free charts, free brochures, and many articles supporting Church teaching. The NFP manual covers all fertility signs and rules plus the Seven Standards of eco-breastfeeding. Some might be interested in the blogs (upper right corner). Sheila, volunteer for NFP International