Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ethical considerations of vaccines


Someone sent in this article concerning the moral implications of using vaccines that were developed via unethical methods, such as using a vaccine that used aborted fetuses in some manner.

The article is about rubella (German measles) and the vaccine developed for it in 1964 and 1970. These were developed using fetal tissues obtained from abortions, and Rubella vaccines today are still based off of the vaccine from those early projects. The problem is cooperation in evil. Since abortion is evil, then profiting from an abortion, even one occurring forty years ago, is evil. Discovering who holds the full weight of sin in the issue is complicated, but the article does a good job of laying out the various issues that need to be considered and applying classical moral philosophy to those issues.

Rubella has caused, as recently as the year 2000, spontaneous abortions, neonatal deaths, deafness, blindness, and mental retardation in children born of mothers exposed to rubella. A person can be obviously concerned about preventing rubella, especially if said person is pregnant. Such a person would not be considered as one intending to sin while seeking a vaccine, no? The injustice of forcing a person to make a decision against their conscience is what helps us determine who is committing some evil and to what extent.

To sum up the article, and for the sake of brevity, the medical company developing a vaccine from aborted fetus tissue is intending to profit from abortion, and is cooperating in evil and fully guilty for their actions. However, a pregnant mother, seeking a vaccine to save the life of the baby, a person who has no other options, is cooperating in evil, however, the weight of sin is on the people who developed the vaccine, those who mass produced said vaccine, and doctors who order and administer the vaccine-despite knowing the origins of the vaccine. Every person has a grave duty to demand and develop vaccines that do not use aborted fetal tissue because forcing someone to choose against their conscience is incredibly unjust, especially in the case of expecting mothers.

As for today's relevance, I do not believe that the seasonal or H1N1 flu shots are developed by any morally illicit means, so you don't have to worry about cooperating in evil, as evident in these articles:
(Cornell) Scientists Hurry to Create H1N1 Vaccine
Inside China's H1N1 vaccine laboratories

Peace to you!

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