Monday, August 11, 2008

The Best Campus Ministry

Hi. In June I attended a workshop at Notre Dame on “Visionary Campus Ministry.” One of our activities at the workshop was to examine in great detail the path that led the Catholic campus ministry at Texas A&M from obscurity to being maybe the best campus ministry in the country right now.

The beginning of that path seems to have been a time in 1993 when they completely changed their thinking. Rather than focusing on their tiny amount of resources and trying to do the best they could with what they had, they asked, “What kind of campus ministry would serve the Kingdom of God best on this campus, and what can we do to make this ministry into that ministry?” The assumption was that if they had the vision, the resources would appear (and they have).

I’d like for us to start asking the same question they did: “What kind of campus ministry would serve the kingdom of God best on our campus?” Of course, we start with prayer. We probably don’t know right off the bat what the very best campus ministry would look like, but God does. After a period of reflection and prayer, would you hit the “comments” button below and share your thoughts on what that perfect campus ministry would look like? As suggestions come in, I’ll post them on this blog. Maybe reading others’ suggestions will help you to put into words some even better ideas.

Thanks for God's wisdom shared through you.



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